
How to Prepare For a Typhoon in Taiwan

Aim for at least 72 hours' worth of non-perishable food such as canned goods (with a manual can opener), energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts.

Typhoon Morakot

Typhoon Morakot, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Kiko, was the deadliest typhoon to impact Taiwan in recorded history.

Typhoons in Taiwan

Typhoon Morakot is the deadliest typhoon to affect Taiwan, with a category 1 categorization. The typhoon caused an estimated amount of 650 fatalities, with 6.2 ...

Taiwan's 3 typhoon landfalls in 2024 most since 2008

The typhoons to make landfall in Taiwan this year were: Typhoon Gaemi on July 25 in Yilan; Typhoon Krathon on Oct. 3 in Kaohsiung; and Typhoon ...

Taiwan issues land warning for Typhoon Usagi

The Central Weather Administration (CWA) issued a land warning for Typhoon Usagi at 5:30 pm Thursday, as the storm approached Taiwan from the south.

Typhoon Warning

No Typhoon Warning Now. ... Address: 64, Gongyuan Road, Taipei 100006, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Desktop | Mobile. Back to top.

Typhoon News

Typhoon News ... No Typhoon News Now. ... Address: 64, Gongyuan Road, Taipei 100006, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Desktop | Mobile. Back to top.

Work and class status during natural disasters

County/City Government, Work and Class Status during Natural Disasters ; Work and Classes as Usual。

Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)

This website is the only official public source for JTWC tropical cyclone products. Please consult your national meteorological agency. Warning Graphic Legend · Tsunami Messages · Best Track Archive

What is the Criteria for issuing a typhoon warning message in Taiwan?

Sea warning issuance - 24 hours prior to the invasion of Taiwan or Kinmen and Matsu within a range of 100 km by a typhoon that is forecast to be a category ...


Aimforatleast72hours'worthofnon-perishablefoodsuchascannedgoods(withamanualcanopener),energybars,driedfruits,andnuts.,TyphoonMorakot,knowninthePhilippinesasTyphoonKiko,wasthedeadliesttyphoontoimpactTaiwaninrecordedhistory.,TyphoonMorakotisthedeadliesttyphoontoaffectTaiwan,withacategory1categorization.Thetyphooncausedanestimatedamountof650fatalities,with6.2 ...,ThetyphoonstomakelandfallinTaiwan...
